How to make magnets with electromagnets manner in Science

 How to make magnets with electromagnets manner in Science

Today I will share about my practicum of which is about how to make magnets with electromagnets way. What is a magnet? if you do not know what a magnet, then I will explain in advance what it magnetic?

1. Definition Magnet 

   Magnet is an object that has a tensile strength so that it can attract other objects. The strength of a magnet is located on the so-called magnetic poles. Magnet has two poles, namely the north and south. Magnetic attraction can be either gravity or repulsive force that is found on the edges. Poles repel namesake character, was the namesake polar nature of attraction. The tensile strength attract or repel between the ends of the magnet depends on the distance between the magnet.Objects can be divided into two magnetic bodies (magnetic) and the object is not magnetic (non-magnetic). Magnetic objects have a strong magnetic properties, while objects do not have magnetic properties are called diamagnetic, such as gold, silver, aluminum, and copper. Magnets can be made so that no artificial magnet.In 1820, Hans Christian Oersted, a Danish physicist, suggested that the wire conductor through which electric current can produce a magnetic field. Making the magnet by means of electricity coursing called an electromagnet. The trick, iron nails were big enough and do not have a magnetic force dililiti wire. Then, both ends of the wire is connected to the positive and negative poles of the battery, so that through the wire, nails got the magnetic force of the electric current.

Tools and materials required to make an electromagnet that is:

1. The pin / Clip
2. Great Nails
3. 2 Batteries
4. Copper Wire
5. Tape

How to make magnets with electromagnets manner in Science
(Read also the article on how to create their own magnets)

 Steps make elektromagnet :

1. Wrap the wire on a large nail.
2. Connect both ends of the wire at the ends of the battery.
3. Bring a large nail in the material to be pulled by the electromagnet.
4. Remove the ends of the wire of the batteries.
5. Hold the nail on the material to be pulled by the electromagnet.

 If you try to hold your own all the electromagnets earlier to some objects that contain iron such as pins, and others. if the object is interested in the electromagnet that you create success. 
Thus from my article. helpful if the article can be shared. thank you for visiting. 

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